PAAB AI Industry Townhall

On December 19, 2024, PAAB hosted a townhall with over 100 representatives across the pharmaceutical industry to share their initial thoughts on PAAB’s approach to the integration of AI tools on our client-facing submissions platform. The overview slides of PAAB’s phased approach are provided in the attached document.


Phase 1 Overview
Work completed to date in phase 1 has exclusively leveraged PAAB’s internal knowledge base, ensuring that no current or past submission content has been utilized. This approach reflects our commitment to confidentiality and data security.


Looking Ahead: Future Phases
In future phases (i.e., phase 2 and beyond), the model could potentially benefit from actual examples/submissions. Please note that PAAB’s models will use actual submissions only with explicit opt-in consent from senior staff at the corresponding manufacturer who are authorized to provide such consent.

If you would prefer not to wait for us to contact you, we invite you to reach out to us at to schedule an initial debrief meeting and learn more about the opt-in process.


Opt-In Options
Manufacturers who do not opt in can rest assured that they will still benefit from automation derived from PAAB’s proprietary knowledge base. Those who choose to opt in will gain access to enhanced automation. We plan to offer the following opt-in levels:

  1. Option A: Allow the contribution of your de-identified submission data to a broader data set comprised of data from all those who opt in to Option A. By contributing to a broader dataset, this option will unlock access to more advanced automation features and insights, as the model can leverage a richer pool of data to develop nuanced contextual understanding and improved accuracy of compliance.  
  2. Option B: Allow the use of your submissions solely for the assessment of your own ads. This option will leverage the PAAB internal knowledgebase and submissions from across your organization alone. While it will provide some efficiencies, it will be limited by a smaller data set.


Be among the first to benefit

Learn more! Reach out to us at to schedule an initial debrief meeting and learn more about the opt-in process. We encourage those interested to reach out early to ensure that your organization is among the first to be included in this initiative and gain access to enhanced automation as soon as it becomes available.


For more information on the Terms of Use relating to use of PAAB assets such as PAAB correspondence, guidance documents, advisories, training materials and Q&A in the training of AI models and related purposes, please click here.


Thank you to all who participated in the townhall for your thoughtful questions and valuable insights.

Townhall Slides Dec 19.2024.pdf



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