Client Tag Report For 2019

Hover over the perceived issue to reveal the precise tag text. Note that the term "perceived" is used simply to convey that the issues have yet to be confirmed by an internal or external audit.

Perceived issue Frequency of client tag
  • Inconsistency vs. prior approval"Inconsistency perceived because objection to content previously approved for the brand was maintained after directing PAAB to the prior approval file"
  • Inconsistency vs. other products"Inconsistency perceived because objection was maintained after demonstrating that the same presentation was approved for a different brand"
  • Inconsistency vs. the Code"Ruling perceived to be inconsistent with the code or guidance documents"
  • Lack of clarity"The requested revision was unclear to me even following a clarification phone call"
  • Issue with level of expertise"Perceived Issue with level of expertise"
  • Consider changing the Code"Consider changing the Code or guidance documents"
  • Late correspondence"Late correspondence impacted client"
  • New issue raised late in review"Issue which is perceived to be new was raised late in the review"
  • Unwarranted incomplete review"Incomplete review perceived to be unwarranted"
  • Confrontational PAAB staff"Confrontational PAAB representative"
  • Very helpful comment / action"Particularly helpful comment discussion or action"

Keep on creating tags!! We hope to do an independent external audit of client issue tags in 2021. This would only be worthwhile if we have sufficient tags for the auditor to perform a robust analysis.

Instructional videos on the tagging system

How to tag an issue relating to a PAAB review letter:

How to tag an issue relating to a PAAB phone call:

Remember that the tagging system is discrete.

As the above videos demonstrate, the reviewer portal shows absolutely no indication that a client issue tag has been generated.



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