New features include: Social functionality, resource card structure, Q&A feature and more on the way.
The Pharmaceutical Advertising Advisory Board (PAAB) is an independent and not-for-profit organization funded on a fee-for-service basis. It is the only organization whose preclearance service is recognized by Health Canada for advertising directed to healthcare professionals. PAAB works to protect Canadians by ensuring that healthcare product advertising meets the regulatory, scientific, therapeutic, and ethical standards outlined in the Code of Advertising Acceptance. All PAAB approved materials bear the PAAB logo.
in 2024
in 2024
in 2024
in 2024
The Pharmaceutical Advertising Advisory Board provides independent preclearance and advisory services that enable healthcare product advertising to comply with the Canadian regulatory framework.
Truthful and trustworthy healthcare product advertising that promotes the health and safety of Canadians.
Integrity, Competency, Credibility, Independence, Excellence, Transparency
The number of working days.
The average number of days at PAAB excludes the time to first response
“Self regulation is like a vaccine. It prevents bad things from happening.”
Director of Marketing
“20% of the regulated population will automatically comply with any regulation, 5% will attempt to evade it, and 75% will comply so long as they think the 5% will be caught and punished.”
Chester Bowles. Regulator and member in the 1941 U.S. Wartime Office of Price Administration.
Click on “Learn More” to view the Health Canada document “Health Canada and Advertising Preclearance Agencies’ Roles Related to Health Product Advertising”.
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In an effort to constantly serve our clients better, PAAB has unveiled a new electronic submission process(eFiles). Effective January 2, 2008 all submissions will have to be submitted via the eFiles system. Please have a Senior Official (Director level) send an email to the administration team at with the contact information of the person(s) who will be designated as administrator(s) for your company. Click on eFiles, on the menu, then eFiles Tutorial for a tutorial on how eFiles works.
Please contact the admin team at PAAB if you need assistance with eFiles
The Accelerated Preclearance Pathway
Learn more and share your feedback by April 14
Click here to provide feedback